In this episode of the Construction Disruption podcast, Todd Miller and Ryan Bell of Isaiah Industries discuss the future of construction with Chad Prinkey, founder of Well Built Construction Consulting. From his early days in the industry working with his brother to his consulting efforts, Chad shares invaluable insights on how to elevate construction companies to new heights.
The conversation covers client success stories, current industry challenges, the importance of interpersonal relationships, and the transformative impact of effective leadership and operational optimization. Chad also shares with us his recently released book, 'Well Built: How the Top 2 Percent of Construction Contractors Create Superior Value, Profits, and Excellence.'
02:03 Introducing Today's Guest: Chad Prinkey
03:38 Chad's Background and Journey
09:35 Client Success Stories
13:11 Challenges and Solutions in Construction Consulting
22:06 Industry Trends and Economic Insights
29:20 The Morning Huddle Construction Show
31:05 The Well Built Series
32:38 Passion for the Construction Industry
33:52 Advice for Young Professionals
37:10 Chad's New Book
41:04 Rapid Fire Questions
48:02 Closing Remarks and Contact Information
Connect with Chad Online
Chad’s Book: 'Well Built: How the Top 2 Percent of Construction Contractors Create Superior Value, Profits, and Excellence.'
Chad’s Podcast:
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This episode was produced by Isaiah Industries, Inc.
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Welcome to the construction disruption podcast, where we
Intro:uncover the future of design, building, and remodeling.
Todd Miller:I'm Todd Miller of Isaiah industries, manufacturer,
Todd Miller:especially metal roofing and other building materials today.
Todd Miller:My co host is Ryan bell.
Todd Miller:Mr.
Todd Miller:Bell got some exciting things to tell us today.
Ryan Bell:Nothing today.
Ryan Bell:I've got nothing today.
Ryan Bell:It's Friday.
Ryan Bell:It's been, it's been a long week.
Todd Miller:It has been a long week.
Todd Miller:All week.
Todd Miller:I kept thinking we were one day ahead.
Todd Miller:I kept thinking, surely it's Thursday and it was only Wednesday
Todd Miller:and now I'm just all messed up.
Todd Miller:But I got to tell you though, I have to apologize to anyone
Todd Miller:who's watching this on YouTube.
Todd Miller:Um, God bless those of you who are just listening to this show right now
Todd Miller:because for some reason today I look like the pointy haired boss from Dilbert.
Todd Miller:Um, you know, I just got these like horns of, I guess I can get a haircut anyway.
Todd Miller:But hey, you know, speaking of.
Todd Miller:personal problems.
Todd Miller:Um, I did go to the doctor the other day, Ryan, and yeah, I told him
Todd Miller:that after we talk things through, we figured out, um, cause it's kind
Todd Miller:of this recurring nightmare I have.
Todd Miller:Um, we figured out that I have a fear of giants.
Todd Miller:Turns out that's a real thing.
Todd Miller:It's called Fee Fi Phobia.
Ryan Bell:Yeah, I've heard of that before.
Todd Miller:Ah, let's jump into things.
Todd Miller:I'm excited about today's show.
Todd Miller:Okay.
Todd Miller:Oh, one thing too, we are doing challenge words, so both Ryan and I
Todd Miller:end our Um, guest who is yet a mystery.
Todd Miller:Um, and he's always mystery.
Todd Miller:He's just a mysterious guy.
Todd Miller:No, not really.
Todd Miller:Anyway, we all have a challenge word that we are challenged to work into the
Todd Miller:conversation as seamlessly as possible.
Todd Miller:So you, the listening audience can be listening to see if you hear our
Todd Miller:challenge words at the end of the show, we will reveal what our challenge
Todd Miller:words and whether we were successful.
Todd Miller:Anyway, um, let's get rolling.
Todd Miller:So, um, we've all seen it before, um, you know, companies out there that
Todd Miller:Excel with happy customers, happy team members, profitability, all that good
Todd Miller:stuff, and then there are companies that you run into that you'll really
Todd Miller:have the right building blocks.
Todd Miller:And they're almost there, but not quite.
Todd Miller:Well, today's guest is Chad Prinkey, a consultant to construction contractors
Todd Miller:who helps those almost there companies get over the hump and reach levels of success.
Todd Miller:They always dreamed of, um, working with them through skills, such
Todd Miller:as better communication, enhanced problem solving, and clear priorities.
Todd Miller:Based in Washington, DC and Baltimore, uh, that area.
Todd Miller:Of course he works nationally, but Chad's company is well built
Todd Miller:construction consulting, and that is exactly what they do.
Todd Miller:Help construction contractors build their own businesses
Todd Miller:in ways that create success.
Todd Miller:And I'm had a hunch, a little bit of fun along the way.
Todd Miller:Um, Chad, welcome to construction disruption.
Todd Miller:It's a pleasure to have you here today.
Todd Miller:Todd
Chad Prinkey:and Ryan, thank you so much for having me.
Chad Prinkey:It's, uh, I can, I can already tell this is going to be fun.
Chad Prinkey:Well,
Todd Miller:we try to make it that way.
Todd Miller:We try our best.
Todd Miller:That's for sure.
Todd Miller:So I know that, um, your consulting firm focuses on midsize general
Todd Miller:contractors, construction managers.
Todd Miller:contractors, developers.
Todd Miller:Um, can you share with us a little bit about your own background and
Todd Miller:you know, how did that prepare you to play this role in helping these
Todd Miller:companies to greater levels of success?
Todd Miller:Sure.
Chad Prinkey:So, um, I'll, I'll start back in high school.
Chad Prinkey:So my brother, is seven years older than me.
Chad Prinkey:He started a residential remodeling company when he was in his early twenties.
Chad Prinkey:He, he was, um, it's actually an award winning, uh, Mason through tech school.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, when he, and then he went to construction management school, uh, got
Chad Prinkey:a two year associates, uh, and, and came out at a very young age and inspired me.
Chad Prinkey:By, uh, opening his own business, I thought that was bold and impressive.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, and, and, you know, he, he was like, Hey, and I need a laborer.
Chad Prinkey:All right, here we go.
Chad Prinkey:So, so I, I actually worked in the field for him from the time I was 15 to the
Chad Prinkey:time I was 22, all the way through.
Chad Prinkey:High school and college and I, I learned to lay block poorly and brick
Chad Prinkey:poorly and, uh, even do some, some rough carpentry and roofing poorly.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, um, I'm really just not good at any of it, but, but I, I respect
Chad Prinkey:the heck out of it and believe it.
Chad Prinkey:I had a lot of fun.
Chad Prinkey:I had a lot of fun working with my brother.
Chad Prinkey:And we, um, uh, and I, I watched him grow his business from, you know, this
Chad Prinkey:fledgling company and to, um, you know, and it's, it's still in operation today.
Chad Prinkey:That's, it's been, you know, when the 25, 26 years, uh, running that business.
Chad Prinkey:And so, uh, while I loved the, the experience, what I also knew is that
Chad Prinkey:I wasn't cut out to work in the field and my brother didn't have, you know,
Chad Prinkey:a spot for me in that business, you know, at that point I got into sales.
Chad Prinkey:I was very quickly pulled into sales training and sales training sounded
Chad Prinkey:like a really neat idea, but it was business to business and and I
Chad Prinkey:didn't know I had to start with zero.
Chad Prinkey:I made 0 cents unless I sold something right.
Chad Prinkey:So it was 100 percent commission gig and I was I was I was like,
Chad Prinkey:where can I where can I sell?
Chad Prinkey:The only place that seemed to make any sense to me was to construction
Chad Prinkey:companies because that's the only gig I ever really kind of understood.
Chad Prinkey:I was extremely fortunate to bring in some awesome construction company
Chad Prinkey:clients, like just, I had no business working with these amazing companies,
Chad Prinkey:but you know, at the time, but they, they liked me, I liked them.
Chad Prinkey:We built phenomenal relationships and.
Chad Prinkey:I was really good if I could just, you know, be pat myself on the back in this
Chad Prinkey:area, I was really good at helping them to grow and so helped, you know, contractors
Chad Prinkey:that were 30 million to get to 100 million and help contractors that were 10 million
Chad Prinkey:to get to 50 million and and so on and a lot, a lot, a lot of those stories.
Chad Prinkey:Along that journey, what I also discovered is that growth comes
Chad Prinkey:with all kinds of problems.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, and, and I, I, I always felt like these companies hired us.
Chad Prinkey:They hired me to deliver a result.
Chad Prinkey:And that result was not just growth, but it was also profitable growth.
Chad Prinkey:So I started becoming really obsessed with every aspect.
Chad Prinkey:Of delivering profitable growth and then began my own journey of of lots
Chad Prinkey:and lots of education, you know, in in associations and you know, every
Chad Prinkey:construction association sitting through, you know, all their all their
Chad Prinkey:educational seminars and and, you know, learning that stuff and reading.
Chad Prinkey:Just dozens and dozens of management books and leadership books all just so that I
Chad Prinkey:could help these companies that really were That were hiring me for profitable
Chad Prinkey:growth to to not just get the growth end of that equation Um, and then lastly
Chad Prinkey:i'll share with you that Uh in in that experience where I worked with a couple
Chad Prinkey:hundred companies more than more than 200 now uh contractors that I I found there
Chad Prinkey:were some who were just really playing the game at a totally different level
Chad Prinkey:and those companies taught me as much or more than I could possibly teach them and
Chad Prinkey:I've been able to use that in my efforts.
Chad Prinkey:With helping all these companies that are trying to go someplace special.
Chad Prinkey:Um, and so it's really this journey of, of, um, you know, um, understanding
Chad Prinkey:and passion for the industry.
Chad Prinkey:ability to, uh, help companies to grow my skill set.
Chad Prinkey:Definitely natural skill set is in sales and business development
Chad Prinkey:and that type of stuff.
Chad Prinkey:And then this learned skill set of, of, um, you know, leadership
Chad Prinkey:management, organizational structure, uh, organizational
Chad Prinkey:development, HR, yada, yada, yada.
Chad Prinkey:And then, uh, you know, in, in the past, uh, three years since
Chad Prinkey:I started this company, I've.
Chad Prinkey:Surrounded myself with people way smarter than me.
Todd Miller:I hear you.
Todd Miller:Well, that's a great story and great way that you got where you are.
Todd Miller:I'm kind of curious when you were doing the sales training early
Todd Miller:on, you weren't involved with Sandler by any chance, were you?
Todd Miller:I was.
Todd Miller:I figured being there in Baltimore, there is a, a likely chance of that.
Todd Miller:And, uh, actually I think it was, uh, it's been a very recent episode.
Todd Miller:It may have been our last episode.
Todd Miller:We had, uh, uh, Dave Matson, uh, who's the CEO of Sandler
Todd Miller:these days, uh, on as our guest.
Todd Miller:And, uh, that was a really good, good conversation.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:So I, I was with Sandler for 12 years.
Chad Prinkey:Okay.
Chad Prinkey:Maybe 13 years, something like that.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, a, a Sandler uh, affiliate company.
Chad Prinkey:Mm-Hmm.
Chad Prinkey:. And left and started this business, uh, which is not a Sandler company.
Chad Prinkey:We focus just exclusively on the industry and so on.
Chad Prinkey:So that's, that's, I had built this book of business inside the Sandler business
Chad Prinkey:that I was like, eh, this isn't, I, I, the Sandler's great, but it, it, it
Chad Prinkey:didn't, obviously it didn't cover all the different, uh, areas that I was covering.
Todd Miller:Oh, absolutely.
Todd Miller:Right.
Todd Miller:It doesn't let you get as nuanced as you can be in what you're doing now.
Todd Miller:And, uh, that's right.
Todd Miller:Love that.
Todd Miller:So, but, uh, yeah, no, that's good.
Todd Miller:It's interesting though.
Todd Miller:So, um, love to hear a story or two, uh, maybe of clients, um, situations where,
Todd Miller:uh, you have helped people really grow their businesses and achieve levels
Todd Miller:of success they'd always dreamed of.
Todd Miller:Maybe we're getting the cart before the horse, but, you know, a couple of
Todd Miller:success stories might lay the groundwork.
Todd Miller:Well, for the rest of our conversation,
Chad Prinkey:yeah.
Chad Prinkey:So, I mean, you know, I've, I've laid out there these growth examples, you know,
Chad Prinkey:and, and, um, those, those are a couple of good ones to just, you know, kind
Chad Prinkey:of run with one company in particular that was, um, operationally very sound.
Chad Prinkey:They were very well prepared to handle growth.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, very good reputation.
Chad Prinkey:They just really had no systematic way of going after the market.
Chad Prinkey:And that was a company that, uh, once I was in there helping them to really
Chad Prinkey:figure out their value proposition, really nailed down their target client
Chad Prinkey:profile and, you know, put, put the focus on growth and then provide the
Chad Prinkey:team with the, the tools they needed to follow that plan in the form of.
Chad Prinkey:You know, education, um, uh, in the form of, uh, training, you know, in the
Chad Prinkey:form of practice and skill development, the next thing you know, you know,
Chad Prinkey:that that company was able to launch.
Chad Prinkey:And this is these.
Chad Prinkey:And so that company was 300 employees when I started working with them.
Chad Prinkey:And, and today there are about 3, 000 employees and.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, and growing wildly.
Chad Prinkey:Wow.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, that and that's, you know, that's what it looks like
Chad Prinkey:when you're when you're ready.
Chad Prinkey:Like, it's the only thing we needed was the growth model.
Chad Prinkey:And, and, you know, we can do everything else.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, that's it's relatively rare, but that that, you know, uh, situation exists.
Chad Prinkey:And on the other end of that spectrum, I could look at a, you know, company
Chad Prinkey:that was, um, this is actually recent that, uh, You know, they had the
Chad Prinkey:last thing they needed to figure out how to do was bring in more work.
Chad Prinkey:They, they had that machine finally tuned.
Chad Prinkey:The problem was when they put it into the, when they put it into the machine
Chad Prinkey:and they put it into the business, the operational side of the equation, they
Chad Prinkey:were just consistently losing margin.
Chad Prinkey:So you know, here we are, we're growing every year and that was the
Chad Prinkey:situation we're growing every year.
Chad Prinkey:Um, our profits are, are flat or declining and it seems like as
Chad Prinkey:we grow, we're making less money.
Chad Prinkey:What do we need to do?
Chad Prinkey:And in that situation, we had to confront some hard truths about
Chad Prinkey:leadership structure and the people that were in those roles.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, and we also needed to, um, you know, implement operational
Chad Prinkey:processes that help them to Uh, you know, be able to handle the growth.
Chad Prinkey:And so we pushed pause on growth and we got that right.
Chad Prinkey:We said, okay, you're not ready to grow what the problem that you're experiencing
Chad Prinkey:is you keep on feeding things into a system that doesn't operate efficiently.
Chad Prinkey:So, uh, in that scenario, restructure, put some people in different places,
Chad Prinkey:uh, brought in some new folks and, uh, into some supporting roles
Chad Prinkey:and, uh, and, and got the machine rolling in the right direction.
Chad Prinkey:And in the past year, I've been able to press play on growth and actually, you
Chad Prinkey:know, optimize profit along that journey, which has been really cool to watch.
Chad Prinkey:And that's, that's a situation where a net profit on an annual basis
Chad Prinkey:might have been at a two or 3%.
Chad Prinkey:And today is operating at about 12%.
Todd Miller:Wow.
Todd Miller:Well, I mean, that's some significant change for them and I am curious.
Todd Miller:So, I mean, your typical client, um, what is their attitude when they come to you?
Todd Miller:They look like they just ate a bunch of sour apples and they just, you know,
Todd Miller:are really not happy and not doing well.
Todd Miller:Or do you often find your better clients actually are doing pretty well already.
Todd Miller:They just need that little extra push, uh, to, to up themselves to a higher level.
Chad Prinkey:So it varies, Todd.
Chad Prinkey:And I think we have, um, I would say our, our Uh, typical client
Chad Prinkey:is a pretty successful company.
Chad Prinkey:They're successful in a lot of different measures, but they also know, and
Chad Prinkey:they're frustrated by something that's keeping them from getting to whatever
Chad Prinkey:the next level is in their own mind.
Chad Prinkey:Um, usually.
Chad Prinkey:They're having this realization that they're just, they're
Chad Prinkey:just not making enough money.
Chad Prinkey:Um, it's a lot of work for not a lot of return, you know, like
Chad Prinkey:that, that kind of feeling.
Chad Prinkey:And I think a lot of people feel that way in the construction industry.
Chad Prinkey:Average net profits are really not exciting.
Chad Prinkey:And, you know, when you take a look at the data that the CFMA puts out, you,
Chad Prinkey:you look at that and you, and you know, if you're a software company, you look
Chad Prinkey:at that data and you're like, you have to double take, you're like, I'm sorry,
Chad Prinkey:what, what are you even doing this for?
Chad Prinkey:This is just a hobby?
Chad Prinkey:Exactly.
Chad Prinkey:This is cute.
Chad Prinkey:What are, what are you, what are you guys doing?
Chad Prinkey:And so, uh, I think there really are ways to play way above the average.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:And they're, they want to, they want to push that over the line.
Chad Prinkey:Sometimes we do have people who are coming to us.
Chad Prinkey:Who are, um, hurt, things are not going right, they're worried, you
Chad Prinkey:know, those types of engagements.
Chad Prinkey:Um, everything in, in, in all it changes is really the type of work
Chad Prinkey:that we're going to do with them.
Chad Prinkey:That company that comes to us is really doing well, they
Chad Prinkey:just want to do better there.
Chad Prinkey:As you can imagine, there's not as much urgency around
Chad Prinkey:the efforts that we're taking.
Chad Prinkey:We can be more strategic long term, put together three year plans
Chad Prinkey:and, you know, start to make a measured progress sort of thing.
Chad Prinkey:If you're not healthy today, if you're unwell, if you're sick as a
Chad Prinkey:business today, we do not try to focus you on your three year plan, man.
Chad Prinkey:Right?
Chad Prinkey:Like if you're sick today, we're like, let's get you, you
Chad Prinkey:know, let's do some triage.
Chad Prinkey:Let's get you healthy.
Chad Prinkey:Let's stop the bleeding.
Chad Prinkey:And then we can start talking about the fun stuff.
Chad Prinkey:And I think that really is.
Chad Prinkey:That duality that that we focus on it well built that our clients hire us for
Chad Prinkey:and love to keep us for is that, you know, we're always keeping our finger
Chad Prinkey:on the pulse of both of those things.
Chad Prinkey:How healthy are you today so that we can focus on tomorrow.
Chad Prinkey:And if your today health is, is waning, that's where we need to place our
Chad Prinkey:focus so that So that, you know, I, I oftentimes use this analogy of like,
Chad Prinkey:you know, we, we, it doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense to renovate
Chad Prinkey:your, your bedroom when there's a fire in the basement, you know, and, and
Chad Prinkey:so, and I think a lot of consultants are like, you know, we do vision.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, yeah, we're all go through this path regardless.
Chad Prinkey:Exactly.
Chad Prinkey:We have this step by step.
Chad Prinkey:You got to follow this step by step.
Chad Prinkey:Well, the step by step sounds cute, but like, I'm going to
Chad Prinkey:go out of business next week.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:If we don't figure out cash flow.
Chad Prinkey:And, and, and so, you know, we, we were, we have the flexibility to, to hit
Chad Prinkey:people in both, in both of those areas.
Todd Miller:Well, I love that.
Todd Miller:And I think that's something good consultants do.
Todd Miller:I mean, part of that onboarding phase is figuring out where are we right
Todd Miller:now and what, you know, what do we immediately have to take care of?
Todd Miller:Do you find a lot of your relationships are pretty long term
Todd Miller:then where you sort of become a long term coach for that company?
Todd Miller:Or is it more, okay, we come in, we get the ship righted, or maybe if the ship's
Todd Miller:already right, we get you down this path.
Todd Miller:Um, and then that's kind of the end of things for you.
Chad Prinkey:So that varies too.
Chad Prinkey:I, I, I, but usually again, I'll answer the, I'll answer the
Chad Prinkey:usually question is, yeah, usually they're long term engagements.
Chad Prinkey:Usually they have.
Chad Prinkey:So, so, you know, when I was at, uh, Sandler, I was working with
Chad Prinkey:when I left about 40 some companies.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, and then I had a period of time where I couldn't work with those
Chad Prinkey:companies, which is very understandable.
Chad Prinkey:Hey, you signed those agreements and, and, and that's what you got.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, but I have all those companies back
Ryan Bell:and,
Chad Prinkey:uh, you know, and, and, and a lot of those have been with me now
Chad Prinkey:for, you know, 12, 14 years and, and, you know, stuff along those lines because.
Chad Prinkey:I'm, you know, our, our team and, and, you know, I am, am a part of their company.
Chad Prinkey:It's just a, you know, part of their organization and I'll give a little
Chad Prinkey:bit on the other end of that spectrum.
Chad Prinkey:There are lots of, uh, people who also just hire us for
Chad Prinkey:engagements and that's cool too.
Chad Prinkey:You know, there's, um, there's some of the largest general contractors in
Chad Prinkey:the world use us on a regular basis.
Chad Prinkey:We are not telling them how to run their business, right?
Chad Prinkey:You know what I mean?
Chad Prinkey:They're, they're bringing us in for this communication training or they're bringing
Chad Prinkey:us in for, you know, this team building, uh, environment or whatever else.
Chad Prinkey:And we, so we do a lot of that stuff too.
Todd Miller:Yeah.
Todd Miller:Tell me a little bit about that.
Todd Miller:I mean, we all know the importance of interpersonal relationships, whether
Todd Miller:that's with team members or with customers, clients, um, Tell me a
Todd Miller:little bit about, you know, how does that impact a contractor's success?
Todd Miller:I, I think a lot of contractors, let's face it, um, they got really good at
Todd Miller:swinging a hammer and then they got a nice enough truck and, oh, I'm a contractor.
Todd Miller:And maybe that interpersonal stuff was never really something
Todd Miller:they gave a lot of thought to.
Todd Miller:Um, tell us, reflect a little bit about on the, you know, how you help companies
Todd Miller:get to better levels in terms of that.
Todd Miller:In
Chad Prinkey:the most of our work.
Chad Prinkey:is with the commercial, uh, construction industry.
Chad Prinkey:Some into the industrial, some into residential, but, but largely into, you
Chad Prinkey:know, the commercial space, the commercial construction industry is a, uh, what
Chad Prinkey:makes it not unique, there are some places that are like this, but, but the markings
Chad Prinkey:of it that are really, really important to understand is that it is an account
Chad Prinkey:based project sale, what that means is.
Chad Prinkey:You, you have two sales that you need to secure.
Chad Prinkey:The first sale is the account.
Chad Prinkey:When you sell the account, you don't make any money, unlike
Chad Prinkey:insurance, where when you sell the account, you get their insurance
Chad Prinkey:business and that's the transaction.
Chad Prinkey:In the commercial construction industry, getting the account is really just
Chad Prinkey:getting an agreement that we seem like we're a good fit to work together.
Chad Prinkey:That's the account sale.
Chad Prinkey:Then there is the project sale, and you have to make each one of
Chad Prinkey:those independently because of that.
Chad Prinkey:You're doing business with the same people over and over again, and
Chad Prinkey:you have to prove it every time.
Chad Prinkey:So when you talk to me about the importance of interpersonal relationships,
Chad Prinkey:It really is, to me, right down to the, to the, to the core of the people who,
Chad Prinkey:uh, like you more, trust you more, and would rather have you on their jobs.
Chad Prinkey:In an account based project sale.
Chad Prinkey:It's, it's a, it's the difference between, uh, industry average 8
Chad Prinkey:percent and 12 percent hit rates.
Chad Prinkey:And our client average is 35, 45 percent hit rates, you know, on, on pursuits.
Chad Prinkey:I mean, it's huge.
Chad Prinkey:It's a massive swing.
Chad Prinkey:So that's externally, internally, you know, success
Chad Prinkey:with your people is essential.
Chad Prinkey:I can't, there, there, you know, especially when you're in this
Chad Prinkey:mid sized, you know, Category when you're a monster company and you lose
Chad Prinkey:somebody, it's like, you know, you know, you have a bunch of really great
Chad Prinkey:people that can backfill that spot.
Chad Prinkey:No big deal.
Chad Prinkey:When you're 100 employee, you know, electrical contractor.
Chad Prinkey:And your VP of operations loses heart and quits, it can be
Chad Prinkey:devastating to the business.
Chad Prinkey:And so you have to be able to maintain meaningful, powerful relationships with
Chad Prinkey:your, with, with, with your people.
Chad Prinkey:Otherwise, you'll find yourself, uh, you know, constantly starting over.
Chad Prinkey:And I, and I see a lot of that when we come in and do and, and get to know
Chad Prinkey:these businesses, we'll oftentimes we'll find out the markings are like.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, we've been about the same size for X number of years.
Chad Prinkey:That's usually a good indicator that we're stuck.
Chad Prinkey:And when I start digging into the stuck Oftentimes it's, they're
Chad Prinkey:not succeeding with their people.
Chad Prinkey:They're having turnover.
Chad Prinkey:They're like, they're getting there and then they're having to replace people.
Chad Prinkey:So they're kind of starting from scratch again and they can't really grow.
Todd Miller:Very interesting.
Todd Miller:And yeah, certainly, I mean, worked with enough construction companies.
Todd Miller:I see that a lot of them eventually hit that point.
Todd Miller:And, uh, yeah, so I love what you're doing.
Todd Miller:Well, I think it's interesting that you started your business in 2021, which
Todd Miller:I Oddly enough, coming out of COVID is going down as a year that was really
Todd Miller:strong for people starting businesses.
Todd Miller:Yeah, yeah.
Todd Miller:Seems kind of crazy, but, um, but, but, you know, your time in this industry,
Todd Miller:of course, precedes that significantly.
Todd Miller:Are there any just fundamental changes or shifts you're seeing in
Todd Miller:the industry, uh, that seem to really be having an impact on businesses?
Chad Prinkey:Oh, there are so many.
Chad Prinkey:I mean, we can talk about culture and we can talk about technology
Chad Prinkey:and we can talk about economic.
Chad Prinkey:Um, I'm going to hit on some short term stuff economically that I see and
Chad Prinkey:then maybe some longer term trends.
Chad Prinkey:Um, economically, what I see happening in the construction
Chad Prinkey:industry is the cycles since 2021.
Chad Prinkey:Have been really intense.
Chad Prinkey:There have been some really up cycles and some really down cycles, depending
Chad Prinkey:on what geography you're in and what market sectors you're servicing.
Chad Prinkey:It's been very strange, you know, for 2021 in the construction industry for a lot
Chad Prinkey:of our clients in the commercial space.
Chad Prinkey:It was.
Chad Prinkey:Gangbusters best year ever, uh, layer in PPP and they were killing it.
Chad Prinkey:You know, they were like, oh my god, You know the best best years on on record.
Chad Prinkey:You got to take out PPP.
Chad Prinkey:Um, but That's that that's not your money.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, but the um, uh, the um, 2023 saw such a dramatic reduction in new starts
Chad Prinkey:in Multifamily, which was a sector that was really really heavily carrying
Chad Prinkey:Transcripts A lot of that growth.
Chad Prinkey:So if you were building multifamily and you were saying 21 and 22,
Chad Prinkey:these are best years ever you're in 23, you took a step back.
Chad Prinkey:If you're doing data centers in 23, you were like, man, this is the
Chad Prinkey:greatest environment I've ever been in.
Chad Prinkey:Right.
Chad Prinkey:Yep.
Chad Prinkey:It's really intense.
Chad Prinkey:It's been a very intense time with big ups and big downs and,
Chad Prinkey:um, and, and massive behavior changes inside companies who maybe.
Chad Prinkey:Got dramatically overstaffed.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, during an uptime hired way more people than they actually need and are seeing
Chad Prinkey:that now really crush their bottom line and lots of layoffs and, and it's, or,
Chad Prinkey:or exactly the other way around, right?
Chad Prinkey:They were carrying, they were super lean and now they're stretched to
Chad Prinkey:capacity and they're totally overworked and they're now at risk of overhiring
Chad Prinkey:and you know, under, under profit.
Chad Prinkey:It's been a rollercoaster and, uh, the people that I'm seeing who are doing
Chad Prinkey:the best are Um, here, here's a trend that I think is just, um, you know,
Chad Prinkey:worth taking note of diversification.
Chad Prinkey:If you get your business from a nice mix of publicly funded projects,
Chad Prinkey:privately funded projects, projects in a few different geographies.
Chad Prinkey:Projects of a few different sizes and in even inside the public or private
Chad Prinkey:sectors, um, having it divvied up amongst a couple of different buckets.
Chad Prinkey:If you're asking me for like the one thing that I, the trend that I'm
Chad Prinkey:pushing with lots of our clients and I have been, you know, for years, is.
Chad Prinkey:Get your money from lots of places.
Chad Prinkey:Make sure that you're not totally beholden to one aspect of the market
Chad Prinkey:because it can get very dicey.
Chad Prinkey:Um, so that's on the economic side.
Chad Prinkey:And then on the cultural side, one of the trends that I see, and I, and I'm
Chad Prinkey:sure you guys do too, is, you know, we have a, a, a major, Shift in demographic.
Chad Prinkey:There are a lot of people retiring.
Chad Prinkey:And when I look back at this, you know, 15, 16 years I've been working
Chad Prinkey:in the construction industry, um, in this capacity, I, I think about,
Chad Prinkey:you know, the culture that changes as the, I'm going to, I'll call them
Chad Prinkey:old school with love, by the way.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, because I, I, I find that I am, uh, one of the oldest school
Chad Prinkey:people, uh, around anymore.
Chad Prinkey:And I'm, and I'm pretty, and I'm pretty young to be old school.
Chad Prinkey:I find, I find myself saying things and people look at me like, all right, boomer.
Chad Prinkey:And I'm like, easy, you know, but, uh, I'm a, I'm just a young Gen X or darn it.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, but, uh, but yeah, so the, the, you know.
Chad Prinkey:The thing that I see is that, uh, a lot of things that we quote
Chad Prinkey:unquote used to do are going away.
Chad Prinkey:And some of those things, good riddance.
Chad Prinkey:I'm glad we're getting rid of some of that stuff, you know, high pressure, super
Chad Prinkey:aggressive, um, yelling at each other, uh, fighting openly, you know, kind of
Chad Prinkey:things like that's going by the wayside.
Chad Prinkey:That's probably good.
Chad Prinkey:You know what else is going by the wayside?
Chad Prinkey:Picking up the freaking phone and and that sucks.
Chad Prinkey:That's not good because we're not doing a good job of conveying what
Chad Prinkey:we really need from each other.
Chad Prinkey:In these, you know, um, GPT created emails.
Chad Prinkey:That are, uh, you know, that that are being sent over with no regard to how
Chad Prinkey:they're how they're read or perceived.
Chad Prinkey:And, you know, uh, so I think we're losing something on the regard to interpersonal
Chad Prinkey:relationships with a cultural.
Chad Prinkey:shift that I'm, you know, I'm a, I tend to be very into progress,
Chad Prinkey:progress as defined as improving.
Chad Prinkey:I think progress is defined as just changing.
Chad Prinkey:I am anti this change.
Chad Prinkey:I think this is a really dumb thing that we're doing, uh, in migrating away
Chad Prinkey:from, uh, a focus on relationships.
Chad Prinkey:And so I do see that happening in the industry.
Chad Prinkey:And I'm telling you, Todd, like I, I, I, Uh, I could keep going on trends
Chad Prinkey:because it's I'm a student of it, and I have all kinds of opinions, probably
Chad Prinkey:many of which I have no business having
Todd Miller:no, I think that's great information.
Todd Miller:And, you know, I, man, I so relate to that thing about.
Todd Miller:Cycles have been so intense and, you know, I, I know we have seen that so
Todd Miller:much on the manufacturing side, you know, from supply chain difficulties
Todd Miller:to worker, um, shortage of workers and just everything has been so intense.
Todd Miller:And, uh, you know, as far as communication and phones, yes, how
Todd Miller:many times has it happened in my team?
Todd Miller:Someone keeps saying, well, I just can't get ahold of them, you know.
Todd Miller:Oh, well, what have you done?
Todd Miller:Well, I've, I've emailed three times.
Todd Miller:I've texted twice.
Todd Miller:Oh, you know, do you ever try calling them?
Todd Miller:And you're right.
Todd Miller:It's, you know,
Chad Prinkey:also you have legs in a car, you can like go to your office.
Chad Prinkey:You can drop by the trailer.
Todd Miller:Did you know
Chad Prinkey:they have
Todd Miller:a trailer?
Todd Miller:Uh, hey, this, this has been great.
Todd Miller:Now, I do want to talk a little bit about, you have a podcast
Todd Miller:called The Morning Huddle.
Todd Miller:Um, and I, I was mentioning, I, I apologize, I have not spent any time with
Todd Miller:it yet, but I very much want to and will.
Todd Miller:Um, but tell us a little bit about what you do, uh, in The Morning Huddle
Todd Miller:and, you know, why our listeners should
Chad Prinkey:tune into it.
Chad Prinkey:So we do two things with the morning huddle.
Chad Prinkey:Um, there is our, um, the morning huddle construction show standard we've
Chad Prinkey:been doing now for coming up on three years and we've, um, that is a platform
Chad Prinkey:for people who are creating positive change in the construction industry.
Chad Prinkey:We're bringing on people to talk about.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, what they believe positive change looks like and, um, uh, to share their
Chad Prinkey:stories to have interesting arguments about, uh, whether those things
Chad Prinkey:are as I just talked about, right?
Chad Prinkey:Like, I'm progressive if progressive means better.
Chad Prinkey:I'm not progressive if progressive just means different, right?
Chad Prinkey:And, and, um, and so I, I, I really like, uh, fighting, um, in public.
Chad Prinkey:Nicely with, well-informed, uh, people who are passionate about what
Chad Prinkey:they do and, uh, they usually win.
Chad Prinkey:That's, that's the show, . That's, that's how that goes.
Chad Prinkey:And No, 'cause I mean, you know, look, and I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm very open to
Chad Prinkey:changing my perspective when people make a great case and, and there are
Chad Prinkey:sure some awesome people who've been on, who've helped me to shift my perspective.
Chad Prinkey:So in some ways it's basically just my education.
Todd Miller:Well, yeah, that's what I love about our show, too,
Todd Miller:is I learned so much every episode.
Todd Miller:Love it.
Todd Miller:It's awesome.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, I mean, if you're if you're a lifelong learner, there's
Chad Prinkey:not many things I would recommend more than just taking time to
Chad Prinkey:interview somebody once a week, right?
Chad Prinkey:And get to know them.
Chad Prinkey:It's pretty cool.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, Stacey Holsinger is my co host for that show.
Chad Prinkey:Stacey, she's also let's she's really the producer for that show, and
Chad Prinkey:she does an incredible job lining up all of our all of our guests.
Chad Prinkey:Um, she's more plugged into what's going on, uh, with trends in the industry than
Chad Prinkey:I am and just, uh, you know, always make sure that we have something interesting.
Chad Prinkey:The other thing that we do with that show is we have a long form discussion
Chad Prinkey:and that's called the Well Built Series and that's between me and a
Chad Prinkey:team member at Well Built Construction Consulting named Matt Verderamo.
Chad Prinkey:And Matt is just brilliant and young and, um, insightful and a
Chad Prinkey:real pain in the ass to argue with.
Chad Prinkey:And, um, and he and I just have long form, hour long episodes where we talk
Chad Prinkey:about what we are passionate about.
Chad Prinkey:And it really gives me space and Todd, I can see, you know, you're, you're, You're
Chad Prinkey:you're playing the role I normally play and this is I love playing this role.
Chad Prinkey:This is such a fun role.
Chad Prinkey:Um, but you know that the, the discipline of, of not like taking over your own show
Chad Prinkey:and allowing the, you know, the, the, the well built series is really is my
Chad Prinkey:outlet for, for saying what's on my mind.
Chad Prinkey:And, and, um, uh, Matt is there as a constant foil to my, Um, uh, perspectives
Chad Prinkey:and, uh, in a really, really healthy one.
Chad Prinkey:I mean, he's just, it's, it's worth checking out to both of
Chad Prinkey:them are, are a great use of time.
Todd Miller:Well, and I have been, I have listened to a couple of the
Todd Miller:shows with Stacy and, um, but I want to dig further into them and now I
Todd Miller:got to check out these with Matt too.
Todd Miller:So, uh, I will be checking those out on the morning huddle and
Todd Miller:hopefully our listeners will, um, as
Chad Prinkey:well.
Chad Prinkey:Morning huddle construction show.
Chad Prinkey:com just cause there's like a bunch of morning huddles, right?
Chad Prinkey:We call it the morning huddle construction show.
Chad Prinkey:com.
Todd Miller:Very good.
Todd Miller:Well, I mean, I can tell from your enthusiasm that
Todd Miller:you truly love this industry.
Todd Miller:You truly are driven by helping others.
Todd Miller:Um, you know, when you look at construction in particular, what
Todd Miller:is it that you really love about construction industry in particular?
Chad Prinkey:At its core, I think it's just.
Chad Prinkey:Probably the most honest way to make a living there is.
Chad Prinkey:Oh wow.
Chad Prinkey:Is, is to trade, is to trade your, your sweat and your expertise and to
Chad Prinkey:leave something behind that is awesome.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, that somebody, uh, gives you money for.
Chad Prinkey:And I think that, that is, in my heart, it's just, uh, I wish I was good at that.
Chad Prinkey:Um, because that's probably, you know, I, I, I think I would even, I would
Chad Prinkey:sleep even better, uh, if that, but, but I'm getting the next best thing,
Chad Prinkey:which is helping those organizations to be great places to work and,
Chad Prinkey:uh, and, and creating a lot of, um, financial freedom for the courageous.
Chad Prinkey:Entrepreneurs who, um, like my brother who took the leap.
Todd Miller:Oh, that's a great perspective.
Todd Miller:Love it.
Todd Miller:Um, any advice you have for young folks out there?
Todd Miller:Because we do think a lot of our audience are some younger folks
Todd Miller:and fairly new to the industry.
Todd Miller:Um, any advice, uh, in particular for them, uh, in this industry?
Todd Miller:I'll
Chad Prinkey:reiterate, pick up the phone, get out of your office.
Chad Prinkey:I will, I will definitely capitalize on that and, and just, you know,
Chad Prinkey:throw a exclamation point after it.
Chad Prinkey:The, the other thing, uh, from an advice standpoint for those folks is don't,
Chad Prinkey:so, so here, here's an observation.
Chad Prinkey:I've found that the generation of incoming workers sees problems in the business and
Chad Prinkey:they get dissatisfied, disheartened by seeing those problems quickly, especially
Chad Prinkey:Especially high potential people, people who are really smart and they, and they
Chad Prinkey:have bright futures ahead of them and they're working inside their business
Chad Prinkey:and they're like, we don't do this and we should be doing this and this is stupid.
Chad Prinkey:And they, number one, they tend not to say that to the
Chad Prinkey:right person and number, right?
Chad Prinkey:So they, so they say that, but they say that to their colleagues.
Chad Prinkey:That's not the right person.
Chad Prinkey:And uh, yeah, so that's, that's number one.
Chad Prinkey:Number two, they, They view those things as intractable very quickly.
Chad Prinkey:They view those things as like, well, that's, you know, and it's,
Chad Prinkey:I just work at my company sucks.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, this is, I think, what, what leads to a lot of job hopping.
Chad Prinkey:And it's, and, and, and, and so here's my ask, my, my, my ask and my advice.
Chad Prinkey:I think we can help, help me help you help me.
Chad Prinkey:Right.
Chad Prinkey:Is, is.
Chad Prinkey:Um, bring those observations to your supervisors and bring them with a
Chad Prinkey:spirit of empathy and open mindedness that not everything is bad here.
Chad Prinkey:And this thing that you're spotting that totally should be better, good
Chad Prinkey:catch junior, um, please have some patience and help us to solve it.
Chad Prinkey:Don't just point out problems.
Chad Prinkey:Be the victim.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:And, and I think if, if, because if you do that, you're just gonna keep doing that.
Chad Prinkey:There's nowhere that's perfect.
Chad Prinkey:And you've gotta get on the side of making the, the place that you're working more.
Chad Prinkey:Perfect.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:And um, um, and then a side note to that, if you find that the people that you're
Chad Prinkey:raising those things to are completely dismissive and they shut you down, quit
Chad Prinkey:and come work with one of my clients.
Todd Miller:There you go.
Todd Miller:I love it.
Todd Miller:Well, and it's interesting.
Todd Miller:I was talking to a group of young up and comers in our company yesterday
Todd Miller:and I said, you know, the thing to get everyone to focus on is how
Todd Miller:do we, how do we take things up?
Todd Miller:How do we move up?
Todd Miller:And, uh, yeah, that's, that's good advice.
Todd Miller:Bring, bring solutions, not just problems.
Todd Miller:Um, well, Chad, this has been a great conversation.
Todd Miller:Time together.
Todd Miller:Thank you so much for your insight and time.
Todd Miller:Is there, uh, we're kind of close to wrapping up what we
Todd Miller:call the business end of things.
Todd Miller:Then we'll have a little more fun, but, um, is there anything we haven't
Todd Miller:covered yet today that you'd like to be, uh, you know, be sure to like
Todd Miller:to sell, to share with our audience.
Todd Miller:I
Chad Prinkey:hope on the business end of things, this is also fun.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, but I just really.
Chad Prinkey:So I finished writing my first book, it is, um, coming out
Chad Prinkey:for publication on June 18th.
Chad Prinkey:And so, um, uh, my guess is it will have already come out,
Chad Prinkey:uh, as, uh, as our audience.
Chad Prinkey:We're just a little before that right now as we're recording, but,
Chad Prinkey:uh, it will have already come out.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, It's called Well Built.
Chad Prinkey:So if you look up my name and you and you type in Chad Prinkey Well
Chad Prinkey:Built into Amazon, you'll see it.
Chad Prinkey:Um, so the book is called Well Built, How the Top 2 percent of
Chad Prinkey:Construction Contractors Create Superior Value, Profits, and Excellence.
Chad Prinkey:And it's really about my journey with those special contractors that
Chad Prinkey:I've talked about who have really demonstrated a consistent theme and shown
Chad Prinkey:me how Um, uh, not on purpose, right?
Chad Prinkey:But shown me how, uh, to hit on every single cylinder in your business.
Chad Prinkey:And so I define the top 2 percent as that 1 in 50 type of contractor
Chad Prinkey:that is just making way more money.
Chad Prinkey:Then you are and they're doing it while making customers happy and
Chad Prinkey:employees happy and they're doing it in a way that's not totally reliant
Chad Prinkey:on a small handful of people, but because they've really built a machine
Chad Prinkey:that works, that's the top 2 percent that I'm talking about and they exist.
Chad Prinkey:And if you're one of them, you know, uh, if you're not one of
Chad Prinkey:them, I'm, I'm here to tell you.
Chad Prinkey:You can literally like triple your net profits and grow at the same time.
Chad Prinkey:That's happening.
Chad Prinkey:I know trade contractors out there that are making 24 percent net profits.
Chad Prinkey:I know general contractors that are making 10, 12 percent net profits.
Chad Prinkey:I know that sounds insane, but it is possible.
Chad Prinkey:Now, it's not, not necessarily the end of the road.
Chad Prinkey:You'll go down.
Chad Prinkey:Maybe success for you looks like 6 percent and that's okay, but But
Chad Prinkey:there it is possible to do way more than what you're currently doing.
Chad Prinkey:And in this book, I really outline, you know, here's all the
Chad Prinkey:cylinders you got to be hitting on.
Chad Prinkey:And maybe you read it and you go, I'm doing that and doing that and doing that.
Chad Prinkey:Oh crap, I'm not doing that.
Chad Prinkey:That's my problem.
Chad Prinkey:And that's why I wrote it.
Chad Prinkey:That's why, that's why I wrote the book is to, is to really help people
Chad Prinkey:to find and, and, and self diagnose and do, um, effectively what we do.
Chad Prinkey:Like the construction industry is a really, it's a contact sport.
Chad Prinkey:It is a very.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, rough place to operate.
Chad Prinkey:It's, it's a Thunderdome.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, where people are, you know, constantly in some version of battle, designers
Chad Prinkey:and owners and generals and subs and suppliers and manufacturers and everybody
Chad Prinkey:is fighting for their little scrap, their little piece in a cage match.
Chad Prinkey:Um, It doesn't have to feel that way and, um, and, and, you know, if
Chad Prinkey:you're, if you find that you feel like it's, it is, you know, you're getting
Chad Prinkey:beat up and bloodied and, you know, that kind of stuff, you're doing it
Chad Prinkey:wrong, man, you're doing it wrong.
Chad Prinkey:There's a way to be like.
Chad Prinkey:Wow, are you guys seeing the cage match that's going on over there?
Chad Prinkey:That's crazy.
Chad Prinkey:I'm glad I'm not in the cage match.
Chad Prinkey:I'm just over here making a bunch of money.
Chad Prinkey:Um, those guys look like they're getting hurt.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, and I, and obviously that's, you know, imagery for, for a reason.
Chad Prinkey:I want you to be thinking about how do you extract yourself from that?
Chad Prinkey:So anyway, that's the book, that's my business.
Chad Prinkey:That's, that's, that's, you know, that's the podcast.
Chad Prinkey:That's what we're all about, man.
Todd Miller:Great.
Todd Miller:Well, I'm glad you threw that in about the book.
Todd Miller:I didn't realize that was in the works and, uh, is out there now.
Todd Miller:I'm sure, uh, well built.
Todd Miller:So we'll check that out and encourage our listeners.
Todd Miller:So, um, before we do close out, um, here's where, uh, yeah,
Todd Miller:the whole thing's been fun.
Todd Miller:Didn't mean that at all.
Todd Miller:But, um, I would like to ask if you'd like to participate
Todd Miller:in our rapid fire questions.
Todd Miller:So rapid fire, seven questions.
Todd Miller:Um, some may be serious, some may be silly.
Todd Miller:Um, Chad has no clue what we're about to ask him.
Todd Miller:Are you up to the challenge of rapid fire?
Todd Miller:I mean,
Chad Prinkey:it's, I, I feel like, um, I'm definitely, uh, I'm cut out for this.
Chad Prinkey:I'm certain I'm cut out for this.
Todd Miller:No doubt.
Todd Miller:No doubt.
Todd Miller:Okay, well, let's start asking.
Todd Miller:We will alternate.
Todd Miller:I will let you ask the first one, Ryan.
Ryan Bell:All right.
Ryan Bell:Uh, question number one.
Ryan Bell:If someone were to hire a musician to follow you around for a day and
Ryan Bell:never stop playing, what instrument would you want them to be playing?
Ryan Bell:Guitar.
Ryan Bell:Guitar.
Ryan Bell:That
Chad Prinkey:sounds pleasant enough.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, they'd be, they'd be playing guitar, um, and they'd be varying,
Chad Prinkey:Between, um, I would like them to have an acoustic electric place so that
Chad Prinkey:they have and with the ability to do some distortion, uh, like when, uh,
Chad Prinkey:you know, good things are happening.
Chad Prinkey:I went like, yeah, it's like some like Metallica and then switching over to
Chad Prinkey:some, you know, Simon and Garfunkel.
Chad Prinkey:Perfect.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Todd Miller:Very timely moments.
Todd Miller:Love it.
Todd Miller:So I have to tell you that question was inspired.
Todd Miller:I heard that a group of high school seniors recently as their senior
Todd Miller:prank hired a bagpiper to follow their principal around for the day.
Todd Miller:The thing they didn't realize was their principal actually likes the bagpipe.
Todd Miller:So he's one in a million.
Chad Prinkey:That's awesome.
Chad Prinkey:I love it.
Chad Prinkey:I like the bagpipes if I'm settling in to watch a little
Chad Prinkey:Braveheart, but that's about it.
Todd Miller:There you go.
Todd Miller:Question number two, um, what is a regular practice that you have that has made a
Todd Miller:profound positive impact on your life?
Todd Miller:Something that you just make sure you're doing regularly.
Todd Miller:Calling
Chad Prinkey:people to say thank you.
Chad Prinkey:Oh, love it.
Chad Prinkey:Um, there, there, I, I could list a whole bunch of other things in there,
Chad Prinkey:but I think for my mental, Um, and, and spiritual wellness, there's just nothing
Chad Prinkey:that makes a bigger impact than expressing gratitude to the people that I, I, I
Chad Prinkey:just, I want people, I need people to know how, um, how they're positively
Chad Prinkey:helping me, how they're impacting me, I think I don't, and, and, and just
Chad Prinkey:that I think they're awesome people, um, I think, uh, We're all walking
Chad Prinkey:around needing a little bit of that.
Ryan Bell:Yeah, that's a great answer.
Ryan Bell:Gratitude, practicing gratitude will change your life.
Todd Miller:Yeah,
Ryan Bell:good stuff.
Ryan Bell:Question number three.
Ryan Bell:If you're trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, what one
Ryan Bell:person do you want on your team?
Chad Prinkey:My brother, Todd.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, Todd.
Chad Prinkey:He's, um.
Chad Prinkey:He's just a big, scary dude.
Chad Prinkey:You can throw some at blocks of people if you need them to, I guess.
Chad Prinkey:That's it.
Chad Prinkey:He's always, he's always been by like, so he was my tormentor, but
Chad Prinkey:then like totally had my back, you know, um, uh, first he beat me up.
Chad Prinkey:Then he beat other people up for me.
Chad Prinkey:Good stuff.
Chad Prinkey:Next
Todd Miller:question.
Todd Miller:What are you most grateful for?
Chad Prinkey:I, uh, man, I most, I on a, yeah, have to be
Chad Prinkey:most grateful for my family.
Chad Prinkey:Um, And, and, and I have these three little boys that are just delightful,
Chad Prinkey:um, in, in virtually every way.
Chad Prinkey:And I know that sounds obnoxious, but it's true.
Chad Prinkey:Like I, I find myself every day marveling at, uh, how, how sweet
Chad Prinkey:and smart and kind, um, and, uh, You know, also like adorably flawed.
Chad Prinkey:They are, you know, it's, uh, it's awesome.
Chad Prinkey:And I, and I feel really fortunate to be in this, you know, life
Chad Prinkey:shaping position called dad, it's a, it's a, it's a really cool job.
Todd Miller:I hear you.
Ryan Bell:Very good.
Ryan Bell:Um, if you could, if you had to play a game of Pinochle every single day
Ryan Bell:for the rest of your life, who would you choose to have on your team?
Chad Prinkey:Pinochle is a game of, um, you need to have a little craftiness.
Chad Prinkey:I'm going to take Clooney.
Chad Prinkey:I'm taking George Clooney.
Chad Prinkey:He's going to play Pinochle with me.
Chad Prinkey:Um, that's, uh, he's a, um, because I think he is, capable
Chad Prinkey:of making people believe he has anything you want, uh, anything he
Chad Prinkey:wants you to believe in his hand.
Chad Prinkey:That's why.
Todd Miller:If you could only eat one food for the entire rest of your life,
Todd Miller:what food would you choose to eat?
Todd Miller:Olives.
Todd Miller:Really?
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Todd Miller:Wow.
Chad Prinkey:I would, I would, those, the, the, the, the oil covered big
Chad Prinkey:fat Spanish suckers with the pits.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Chad Prinkey:That's, that's what I would take.
Ryan Bell:That's one thing I just cannot eat.
Ryan Bell:My wife loves olives too.
Ryan Bell:And we were just talking about it last night, uh, because we had a salad and
Ryan Bell:she's like, oh, this is missing olives.
Ryan Bell:And my stepdaughter and I are like, no gross.
Ryan Bell:But she, she loves them.
Chad Prinkey:It's my, it's, it's my go to.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah.
Ryan Bell:Yeah, there's no, I don't get it, but
Chad Prinkey:it's between that and sardines for the record.
Ryan Bell:So, so my, like something that I could eat like
Ryan Bell:that as onions, I love onion.
Ryan Bell:I could eat an onion, like an apple and it drives my wife nuts, but just no one would
Ryan Bell:want to be around you, but no, yeah, no.
Ryan Bell:Yeah.
Ryan Bell:So I tried, I try not to make a habit out of it.
Ryan Bell:You don't
Chad Prinkey:pull it out of your lunchbox and just take a
Ryan Bell:bite.
Ryan Bell:Maybe, maybe only once a year.
Ryan Bell:Um, all right, this is the last question.
Ryan Bell:Have you recently purchased a product or service that was kind
Ryan Bell:of a real game changer for you?
Ryan Bell:Something that would, you know, made you think where have you been all my life?
Chad Prinkey:Oh man, I love that question.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, I know the answer.
Chad Prinkey:You know what it for our business?
Chad Prinkey:We, um, uh, we purchased a project management and time tracking software.
Chad Prinkey:That has been something that we've been doing with spreadsheets and,
Chad Prinkey:you know, um, old school, right?
Chad Prinkey:And, and using this software, uh, has, has provided such immense
Chad Prinkey:structure and, uh, insights.
Chad Prinkey:Um, and I have to say that the team is just unbelievable at
Chad Prinkey:keeping it fully up to date.
Chad Prinkey:We've got this group of eight people who don't complain about logging every minute
Chad Prinkey:every day, which I think is a weird thing.
Chad Prinkey:I don't think that's a normal state of affairs, but because of it, um,
Chad Prinkey:the, the amount of insights we have into our business and where we need
Chad Prinkey:to hire and all that kind of stuff.
Chad Prinkey:It's been, it has been a game changer.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, it really has been.
Chad Prinkey:Well, we can give him a shout out.
Chad Prinkey:What is that software?
Chad Prinkey:It's called teamwork.
Chad Prinkey:Okay.
Chad Prinkey:Great name.
Chad Prinkey:It's mostly or, uh, set up for professional services firms.
Chad Prinkey:So it would work really well for a general contractor, but not for a trade contractor
Chad Prinkey:and it does work well for developers.
Chad Prinkey:I, I know developers who do use it.
Todd Miller:Very good.
Todd Miller:Well, thank you again, Chad.
Todd Miller:This has been a pleasure.
Todd Miller:We will put the information in the show notes, but for folks who
Todd Miller:want to get in touch with you, how can they most easily do that?
Chad Prinkey:Uh, LinkedIn is probably the, the best spot for me.
Chad Prinkey:So Chad Prinky P R I N K E Y on LinkedIn.
Chad Prinkey:Um, I post a lot of content.
Chad Prinkey:I was going to say good content, but that's totally subjective.
Chad Prinkey:Everybody's up on that.
Chad Prinkey:Uh, I post a lot of my opinions, uh, so there's that and, um, uh, you
Chad Prinkey:know, so, so I'm very active there.
Chad Prinkey:You can feel free to shoot me a direct message.
Chad Prinkey:I really do keep up with those, uh, at least weekly, uh, and that's a
Chad Prinkey:great place to reach out and then you should definitely come to our company
Chad Prinkey:website, uh, wellbuiltconsulting.
Chad Prinkey:com and uh, oh, and then lastly, uh, uh, one of the biggest things we've,
Chad Prinkey:we, we rolled out a newsletter.
Chad Prinkey:Um, newsletters, actually.
Chad Prinkey:I write, Matt writes, John Livingston on our team writes.
Chad Prinkey:And, uh, there are these three different perspective.
Chad Prinkey:John is in the, in the final third of his career, and he's, and he's been
Chad Prinkey:there, done that in every aspect.
Chad Prinkey:And his stuff is really, really insightful for that veteran who
Chad Prinkey:wants to give back to the industry.
Chad Prinkey:And Matt, as I've described, is this up and coming, you know, he's in
Chad Prinkey:the, he's in the newer generation and I'm smack in the middle.
Chad Prinkey:And As you read these three different newsletters there, I'm I've had so
Chad Prinkey:many people who say so go to our website, check out our newsletters.
Chad Prinkey:That would be, um, a place that if you thought this was interesting that you
Chad Prinkey:could, um, definitely dive into, um, more of mine and our team's musings, uh, and
Chad Prinkey:and get cool ideas for your business.
Chad Prinkey:Fantastic.
Todd Miller:And that was WellBuiltConsulting.
Todd Miller:com, correct?
Chad Prinkey:Thank you.
Chad Prinkey:Yeah, that's right,
Todd Miller:Todd.
Todd Miller:Very good.
Todd Miller:I am pleased to say that we all met our challenge, uh, of the challenge words.
Todd Miller:Um, Ryan, your word was?
Todd Miller:Pinochle.
Todd Miller:You worked it in quite extensively there.
Todd Miller:That was good.
Todd Miller:Um, Chad, your word was?
Todd Miller:And I think we gave you a whole new shtick to help explain what you do.
Todd Miller:You had a great story
Chad Prinkey:and great imagery you created.
Chad Prinkey:I created, I, I was, as soon as I got my word, I had like this whole
Chad Prinkey:flow chart that I started drawing.
Chad Prinkey:That
Todd Miller:was incredible.
Todd Miller:And I had sour apple, except I pluralized it.
Todd Miller:So I had sour apples, but, uh, that was fun.
Todd Miller:Well, thank you again, Chad.
Todd Miller:That's been a real pleasure.
Todd Miller:And thank you to our audience for tuning into this episode of construction
Todd Miller:disruption with Chad Prinkey of well built construction consulting
Todd Miller:and the morning hug huddle podcast.
Todd Miller:Um, so we invite you to please watch for future episodes of our podcast.
Todd Miller:We're always blessed with fantastic guests.
Todd Miller:Don't forget to leave a review for us, please.
Todd Miller:And until the next time we're together, keep on challenging, keep on looking
Todd Miller:for better ways of doing things and keep on having a positive impact on
Todd Miller:those in your life, there are simple things that we can do that really
Todd Miller:changed the world for someone else.
Todd Miller:Um, so God bless and take care.
Todd Miller:This is Isaiah Industries signing off until the next episode
Todd Miller:of Construction Disruption.
Intro:This podcast is produced by Isaiah Industries.
Intro:Manufacturer of specialty metal roofing and other building products.